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FIU OFF CAMPUS …Your 1st choice in student housing solutions
We provide the most convenient housing solutions for an optimal student life. With over 30 years of student hosting experience serving the Florida International University community. We are the preferred student housing solution across multiple prestigious residences.
Convenient Student Housing
Find Your Perfect Home
Discover comfortable and clean student housing options that make living easy.
With over 30 years of experience, we provide the best housing solutions
Years of
Find Your Perfect Student Housing
Discover comfortable and clean living spaces designed for easy living.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, we offer a free trial period of 14 days. During this period, you will have full access to all of our features and services.
Is there a free trial available?
Yes, we offer a free trial period of 14 days. During this period, you will have full access to all of our features and services.
I’m truly grateful for the exceptional hosting services, the friendly staff and convenient location. Their expertise, dedication, and professionalism made a significant difference in my college experience.
Highly recommended.
Alice Smith
ACME Company